For many verbs that end in - eler or - eter, the final consonant is doubled before a silent e.(For verbs ending in - ayer, we can write either i or y.)Įxamples: envoyer send - j'envo ie, tu envo ies, il envo ie, nous envoyons, vous envoyez, ils/elles envo ient payer pay - je pa ye/pa ie

For verbs ending in -yer, the y becomes an i in the singular forms as well as in the 3 rd person plural.For verbs ending in - cer, the c becomes ç before the letter o in the nous form in order to preserve pronunciation.Įxample: lancer throw - je lance, tu lances, il/elle/on lance, nous lan çons, vous lancez, ils/elles lancent.For verbs ending in -ger, we add an e before the letter o in the nous form in order to preserve the pronunciation of the g.Įxample: manger eat - je mange, tu manges, il/elle/on mange, nous mang eons, vous mangez, ils/elles mangent.