
108 govinda namalu in telugu
108 govinda namalu in telugu

108 govinda namalu in telugu

  • Karpoora Veedi Kamodha Samakarsha digandara – She who chews betel leaf with the spices which give perfume in all directions.
  • Shuddha vidyangurakara dwija pangthi dwayojjala – She who has teeth which look like true knowledge.
  • Nava vidhruma bimbha sri nyakkari rathna chhadha – She whose lips are like beautiful new corals.
  • Padma raga sila darsha paribhavika polabhu – She who has cheeks which shine more than the mirror made of Padmaraga.
  • Thadanga yugali bhootha thapanodupa mandala – She who wears the sun and the moon as her ear studs.
  • Kadambha manjari kluptha karna poora manohara – She who has beautiful ears like the kadamba flowers.
  • Thara kanthi thiraskari nasabharana bhasura – She who has a nose ring which shines more than the star.
  • Nava champaka –pushpabha-nasa dhanda virajitha – She who has nose like freshly opened flowers of Champaka.
  • Vakthra lakshmi –parivaha-chalan meenabha lochana – She who has beautiful eyes which look like fish in the pond of her face.
  • Vadana smara mangalya griha thorana chillaka – She who has beautiful eyelids which look like the ornaments to her face which is like cupids home.
  • Muka chandra kalankabha mriganabhi viseshaka – She who has the thilaka of Musk in her forehead which is like the black shadow in the moon.
  • Ashtami chandra vibhraja – dhalika sthala shobhitha – She who has a beautiful forehead like the half moon.
  • Kuru vinda mani – sreni-kanath kotira manditha – She whose crown glitters with rows of Padmaraga stones.
  • Champakasoka – punnaga-sowgandhika- lasath kacha – “She who wears in her hair flowers like Champaka, Punnaga and Sowgandhika”.
  • Nijaruna prabha poora majjath brahmanda mandala – She who makes all the universe immerse in her red colour which is like the sun in the dawn.
  • Pancha than mathra sayaka – “She who has five bows of touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight”.
  • Mano Rupeshu Kodanda – She who has the bow of sweet cane which is her mind.
  • Krodhakarankusojwala – She who glitters and has anger in the form of a noose.
  • 108 govinda namalu in telugu

    Ragha Swaroopa pasadya – Who is a form of Love ( With A rope).Chadur bahu samanvidha – She who is Four armed.Udyath bhanu sahasrabha – She who Glitters like thousand rising suns.Deva Karya Samudhyatha – Who assists Devas.Chidagni Kunda Sambootha – Originated from the fire of knowledge.

    108 govinda namalu in telugu

  • Sri Math Simasaneshwari – Who sits on the throne of lions.
  • Srimatha – Mother the creator, giver of happiness.

  • 108 govinda namalu in telugu